1.1 The Emmetts – Generation One

Hey there!

My name is Thomas Emmett. I’m a Young Adult, and I just broke away from my family to start a new life here in Riverview. I felt it was time to break out on my own, y’know? So I pocketed my savings, got in a taxi and ended up here, 345 Riverblossom Hills Drive, my new home!! Must say, I was a little nervous when the taxi dropped me off at this…

A field. I had A FIELD to start my life with!! A field and nothing else! Thanks a lot, Mr Estate Agent. Thanks a lot… What do you think I am, a sheep?! And what’s worse, I had only a meagre ยง1300 to my name, hardly enough to live on let alone build a house with. After calming down I figured I needed some more Simoleons. Like, duh. My childhood dream was always to be an astronaut, so I decided to see if there were any jobs going in the Millitary.

There were.

Okay, so I’m only a lowly Latrine Cleaner (urgh, lovely) but its a start, right? Everyone’s gotta start somewhere in life!! I guess I just got the crappy (literally) end of the stick here. A field and latrines. Lovely jubbly!! Still, I have a salary now, so the only way is up!! Need to start work now, though, if I’m going to get away from the toilets any time soon… Sooner the better!

ATHLETICISM stood out in bold letters on the promotion requirements, so I wandered down to hit the local gym. Being naturally athletic (captain of the school football team, ladies…) I kind of thought a workout would be a doddle. So I hopped on the machines and got to it, and started running with ease!

Maybe Not.

How. Embarrassing.

Thankfully I got the hang of it and spent the evening buffing up, until I was exceedingly knackered. The Gym Nerds called it ‘fatigued’, and told me it was a sign of a good workout. All I knew was I’d be in some serious muscle-based pain while I scrubbed the soldiers’ toilets tomorrow, which clearly made the situation all the more ideal!! Still, it’ll be worth it when I’ve bagged that promotion!

All that falling and running and exercise had made me a tad peckish (also known as so-ravenous-that-I-could-eat-nine-horses), so I decided to head back to my field with my few Simoleons and spend them wisely, only on the barest of necessities that I’d need until I could afford to build a basic house. I was going to have to think very carefully here on what was essential…

No, your eyes are NOT deceiving you readers. I decided that walls weren’t essential. Nor was a roof, as thankfully freak weather conditions mean that the weather is always pleasant in Riverview (experts reckon something called an ‘Expansion’ might bring changing weather, but I’m only a lowly Latrine Cleaner, I don’t know what that is). So I splashed out on a fridge, a chair and table and a comfy cosy bed, which I promptly fell into once I’d scarfed down my bread and jam (which tasted like a cheap fridge. I’d say blech, but beggers cannot be choosers, sadly). Hey, at least the bills will be cheap for this place, for a while at least!!

Work was NOT fun. I don’t want know what those Lieutenants must be eating to make messes like the ones I’ve just spent the morning knee deep in! Eurgh. Still, you see that big, scary-looking guy in front of me? He’s my supervisor, and he just informed me that I’m close to a promotion, so hopefully I won’t have to scrub much longer!! That hard work I put in at the gym must be already paying off, thank GOODNESS! And what’s more, I now have some cash!

My first paycheck!! I felt I deserved a treat, so I decided to buy an easel, so I could amuse myself with my lousy painting skills when I wasn’t at work. I need a way to unwind after a stressful day of Army life!! Mind you, I wasn’t amused after it had arrived, when I remembered I still didn’t have a toilet or a shower. Whoops. Maybe this wasn’t such a good buy afterall, what’s a few pictures compared to hygiene? Then again, I might be able to earn a few more Simoleons to add to my salary… And there are facilities at the 24 hour gym… Yeah, who needs a loo!

On second thoughts… It might be a while before I’m good enough to earn serious money!! What the hell is that, a possessed grape?! Still, practise makes perfect, and this got me $5 (yes, someone BOUGHT it! I wonder who, and how blind they are), which if I had an oven and a counter would be nearly enough to make some pancakes! So its not all bad, clearly I do have a market after all, even if I don’t have a toilet (:

I was promoted the next day!! Hooray!! Goodbye forever latrines, hahahahahahayawwwnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn…. Oh my. I guess I stayed up too late painting. Still, I’ll celebrate later by hitting the gym. I think I need to go back to the field and take a nap… YAWWWWNNNNNNNNN… yep, sounds good. Night, everybody…

21 responses to “1.1 The Emmetts – Generation One

  1. Oh wow. Your legacy is great! I’m so sorry I haven’t gotten around to reading it before now. I’m so picky about the quality of writing in the legacies I read and most of them are like “Sally moved to Sunset Valley. She was excited. Sally met Jim. She fell in love, married him and had babies with him. Now Sally’s happy.” It’s just so one-dimensional and fake, but your legacy actually has a character with a personality (and a sense of humour to boot). This is the kind of legacy I’d want to keep coming back to.

  2. ashleigh825, I agree with you so much, most of the legacies are just so plain and no details or what so ever.
    I like the way this legacy goes, well, I ‘ll be off reading the rest of it ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Found this legacy quite by accident, but I’m absolutely loving the hilarious narrative! Definitely on my “to read” list- only 4 more generations to go…

  4. theemmettlegacy

    Ooo thank you!! Really hope you enjoy the rest of it (:

  5. shelbosoccerstar95

    really good story. I found your page through the arbor family legacy. i always randomly select someone who comments on anothers work then go their page. usually it isn’t that great but your is magnificent. I’ll keep reading but i have things to do so i’ll have to read later.

  6. Nice! I found this in Tiari’s fave list of legacies. It’s really good. Can’t wait to read more.

  7. liking it so far, found it through tipix’s blogroll. I’m actually at work right now, so no time to read all the generations right now, but I will come back soon!

  8. I know this is late considering some of the other comments like in August last year, but I’m new to reading these stories and yours is one I’m going to love reading!

  9. Great start to the story will continue to read the rest. New to wordpress so I will workout how to set my page

  10. I loved this start, Thomas is a very likeable founder! Thanks for reading mine too ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. This legacy is really cool! It’s funny, and i really enjoy thomas. Im at chapter5 in my legacy (generation 1 ) Check it out if you’d like ๐Ÿ™‚

    • theemmettlegacy

      I have been reading your legacy! I’ve left comments and you’re on my blog roll and everything d: Thank you for reading mine!

  12. Haha Loved the “possessed grape” line!

  13. This was the funniest thing I have read all day! Can’t wait to read more! -Eloise

    • Aw, yay ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m so glad you like it! It’s nice to get comments about the beginning of my legacy ๐Ÿ™‚

  14. angelachapman6452

    Like your legacy so far. I like Legacy with details not one-dimensial and fake. Thanks for making it so detailed. Can you read my legacy and tell me what you think? I just started on it.


  15. I just found ur legacy by searching my friends blog as my friend is called emmett ๐Ÿ˜€ definetly reading the rest

  16. has this story been canceled because I cant read chapter 1

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