
Hello reader! Thanks for taking the time to read my Legacy blog, I really appreciate it. Here are the links to each chapter of my Legacy, which will be updated as I add them.


  1. Hello World!
  2. True Love?
  3. Growing Up!
  4. Perfect Life
  5. Babies Ahoy!
  6. Time Flies
  7. Aging Fast
  8. Time to Go


  1. The Second Generation
  2. Making Friends
  3. Goodbye Mum
  4. Moving On
  5. Baby On The Way
  6. Entrances and Exits
  7. New Arrival…s!
  8. Handling Two
  9. Dealing With The Children
  10. Teenage Differences…
  11. Young Adults?!


  1. Frankly, A Crap Week…
  2. Hello, Tana! …Goodbye, Mum…
  3. Alone. Again.
  4. Harry’s Surprise…
  5. Happily Ever After?
  6. Wedding Bells and Babies
  7. Hello There, Baby…
  8. Birthdays and Surprises
  9. A Complete Family Package
  10. As Time Goes By…
  11. Childhood Years
  12. Growing Old Gracefully…!
  13. Reunited
  14. My Daughter’s Hobbies
  15. Useless Fluff
  16. Partying With The Wrinklies
  17. Bitchin’ Party, Dude!
  18. What Is She Doing?
  19. Rock Stars, Birthdays, and a New Leaf?
  20. Secret Panics

A Quick Note From Harry


  1. Life After Dad
  2. The Shock Of It…
  3. Baby and Bye-bye
  4. Psycho On The Horizon
  5. Can You Hear The Bells?
  6. Mum’s Departure
  7. Happy Birthday Baby
  8. Baby Brothers and Little Sisters
  9. Suspicious Behaviour
  10. Witness Testimony Transcript
  11. Resolution
  12. Back to Normality
  13. Drunkenness
  14. Revelations…
  15. Busted Temptations
  16. Broken
  17. From Bad to Worse
  18. A New Beginning?


  1. Struggling Alone
  2. Following Orders
  3. Confusing Times
  4. Realisation
  5. It’s Only Just Beginning
  6. Hidden Bumps (.5 – Sibling Torment)
  7. Keep Her Safe…
  8. Can It Be Done?
  9. Knocked Some Sense Into Him
  10. It’s Like A Whole New Life…
  11. It Couldn’t Be… Could It?
  12. Am I Overprotective?
  13. How Could She Do This To Me?
  14. A Family Pulls Together
  15. Simon Remembers
  16. A Child Grows Fast
  17. Time To Move On


  1. It’s Just Too Soon…
  2. A Family Evolves
  3. Perfection, Harder Than It Looks…
  4. Am I Lonely?
  5. Need Some Time…
  6. Priorities
  7. Headlines
  8. This Shouldn’t Feel as Right as it Does…
  9. Decisions, decisions…
  10. Family Unrest
  11. Computers Galore
  12. Lovey Dovey


  1. The Aftermath
  2. Not Helping!
  3. Trying to Adjust
  4. Reconnections
  5. Love Is All You Need
  6. Babies For All!
  7. Raising the Family
  8. Changes
  9. The Princess and the Neanderthal
  10. Leave It To Fate
  11. Facing the Butterflies
  12. Let’s Go!


  1. Home Early
  2. Choices
  3. The Unexpected
  4. A Suspicious Couch Potato…
  5. Tainted Marriage
  6. Unspoken
  7. Paranoia
  8. On The Case
  9. An Unexpected Visitor
  10. Life Goes On
  11. Surprises
  12. Growing Old


  1. New Beginnings
  2. New Responsibilites
  3. Taking things… Slow?
  4. Letting Everyone Down
  5. Alfie’s Antics
  6. Heartache
  7. Parenting Skills
  8. Promises
  9. The Alfie Situation
  10. Musical Genius
  11. Updating…?
  12. Wise Words


  1. The Final Chapter

25 responses to “Chapters

  1. is this legacy a patriachy? you seem to always have the boys be heirs.. but i really like it, i’ve spent the whole day reading it. maybe have some more drama, though? less perfection and perfect families?

  2. theemmettlegacy

    For the first two gens they only had boys, so I didn’t have a choice!! Its a firstborn legacy, so the next heir will be Summer (: Yeah, I get rather attached and don’t like making my Sims sad, but they’ve been happy for a while now so I’m trying to make some drama now, hope it’ll work!

  3. on the contrary, i liked the perfect families. maybe i’m gushy that way, but i don’t like when a legacy is nothing but drama. this was refreshing, but still quite suspenseful. i do sort of hope to see rory turn up again, though. and whatever happened to korinas family?

  4. I love this legacy, but you never update!!!!!!!

  5. your legacy inspired me to do mine.It will never be as good as yours (yours is absolute perfection!) but i have a few fans,plus mine is based on a real person lol

  6. Gosh I’ve fallen so behind in reading this legacy! I can’t remember where I left off, but I’ll try to start reading again as it’s one of my favourites.

    • Heheh, your last comment was on 5.5 if that helps d: Don’t worry about it, we’re all busy bees.

  7. Hey,I love the legacy! 😀 I downloaded the house with Summer,Rory,Saoirse,Simon and Anya,its soo cool!I always kinda go through it now as if Anya is the heiress and what would have happened if she was lol 😛

    • Aw thanks for downloading the house! I’d meant to upload it ages ago, pre-fire, but always either forgot or had launcher problems. I hope Anya’s having a good life! (:

  8. I was just looking at the family tree, and I have a question. Was it ever suspicious that Saoirse’s ex-boyfriend who got her pregnant as a teen had such a similar name to her husband? I always wondered: Oliver and Olly?

    • No, it was just the game. It never really occurred to me before! They weren’t the same people or related or anything, it was just a coincidence.

  9. (I am Kat) Will you add the Hath madness chapters on here?

    • No, because there are only two of them. I am going to add the categories widget to the side bar, however, so if you want to go back to them you can do 🙂

  10. i noticed that simons grandson torrey is married to imogen isnt that like kinda weird

  11. Heey!So I became so immensely obsessed with Chloe and the ‘Where Rainbows End’ book,I searched for months for the book but I finally got it today,the very last copy in the shop!Absolutely love your legacy 🙂 XxX

    • Aww, I’m so happy you’ve bought it! I really hope you enjoy it, let me know how you find it yeah? Thank you so much, I really appreciate you taking the time to read it and I’m chuffed that you’re enjoying so! xx

  12. I know yeah,I reaaaallly love it!Im about halfway through it now so Ill let ya know when im all finished! 😀

  13. Hahahah yup,I finished it!Wow!Amazing boook 🙂 Absolutely love it!

    Im having another go at a legacy,no doubt I shall fail but oh well 😛
    Let me know what you think,yeah? 🙂

  15. Hey Sianystar ! 🙂 I was wondering, do u have twitter?
    If yes, u can follow me @xcin100x I ALWAYS follow back ❤
    Please let me know! I also have a new chapter to me legacy, and added an exclusive chapter with detailed pictures of the new home for generation five. Can you comment please? Thanks! 🙂

  16. Wow, you truly spent a lot of time on this. I enjoyed reading it!

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